Monday, February 14, 2011

happy valentines day

since i don't have a significant other just yet in my life, i want to use today to keep my chin up, and hopefully keep other people's chins up, that don't have that special someone in their life either. i feel like today shouldn't just be about celebrating a relationship with a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife...i believe today should be a celebration of all things love. i think it should be a day where if you are committed to someone then you appreciate and recognize him or her for everything they've done, every way they have affected you, every way they love to love you.

i also think it should be a day that gives others hope and lets others know that there is a great love out there. i think its really neat to know that when you are waiting for "the one" ...that "one" is also waiting for you! how neat is that? maybe im just really entertained by little things like this, but i think today is just a really special day.

there is so much love out there in the world to give and recieve. i dont understand why today has to be just about couples! so many people get so sad about today, but i think they really just need to stay positive. i know today has been a little hard for me :/ everytime that i start to get a little sad though i just think that "maybe this person is it and if i give it time then everything will turn out how i want." even if it doesn't though, there's going to be someone out there who will workout and when we find each other its going to be everything i ever dreamed of.

for that i am so excited. i'm going to write another blog later with people responses as to what love means to them. this should be interesting. if you'd like to contribute, go ahead and just leave a comment :)

happy valentines day !

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