Tuesday, May 17, 2011

the health kick has begun

lately i have been eating a lot of salad and dinosaur chicken nuggets. hello amazing. and they aren't bad for you too because they're not fried! ive been kind of on this health kick lately and i am really excited about it. i haven't gone all out with it yet but i am so excited that i am no longer spending all my money on eating out. not that eating out is a waste of money, ts so fun. but i since i have been spending money by eating at home i have been able to feel better about myself and spend less money. its nice!

i still am on the search for the best hamburger on though and the best french fries. oh AND the best sushi! sushi is wonderful and healthy but hamburgers and french fries, not so much. ill have to eat those sparingly. but i'll obviously keep everyone updated on my findings. so far Gordon Biersch has had the best hamburger. melt in your mouth, never want to put it down taste. so yummy! and i didnt even have anything special on it. just the regular lettuce and tomato and ketchup. DELISH. i didnt get to take pictures of it though. so you're going to have to trust me when i tell you so far...it is THE BEST.

anyways back to the health kick...i have been craving salads like no other lately. i made this salad based on an amazing one i had in boise. lettuce, tomato, cucumber, tuna, and balsamic vinagerette. do any of you know of amazing salad recipes you love? i would love to have some new recipes. also, i have been doing yoga. okay i have done yoga twice. i did it sunday and i did it today! if i can do it every other day i would be so proud of myself. my body just felt so relaxed and open and refreshed afterwards. and to know i can feel all of that AND make myself more healthy, and help myself to look better so i can feel more confident. there is nothing better.


  1. health kick = dinosaur chicken nuggies, hamburgers and french fries. AWE.SOME. This of course, coming from the girl who works at a cupcakery... :)

  2. yes keep going to yoga! it will help sooo so much in everything


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