Friday, May 13, 2011

fabulous feature friday !!

today i am featuring one of my most favorite girls on the planet, kylie adams. she and i just recently met when i started working at sprinkles with her. she is spunky, adorable, weird, gorgeous, and sooooo amazing. imagine all of those things put together and you have got my little friend kylie. i am so thankful i have her as a friend here in arizona. :)

she writes her own blog as well. we live in a blogging world together she and i. i cant wait to get my camera soon so that she and i can share pictures and blog together. :)

here are ten things that make kylie very extremely happy!

1. hot tea
2. dresses
3. my family
4. stargazer lilies
5. sex and the city
6. reading
7. music (DOUBLE DUH)
8. traveling
9. my friends
10. date nights


  1. sex and the city is AMAZING!! I just recently got hooked and didn't know how my life was without this show!

  2. i could watch sex and the city re-runs for a week straight. never gets old. well, it sort of does. but not really.


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